God of War 3 - Grade: B+
This summer I vowed to beat the God of War trilogy and did (both had been in my backlog since February/March). I have heard around the net that the ending was a bit of a bummer for the series but I disagree. For those who haven't finished the game or those who don't want to know, its good and well worth your time. Here is my review:
First the cinematics on this game are incredible. It honestly makes you wonder why there is not a movie for this game. With so many one liners like "It's not my life you should be worried about..." it writes itself but back to the game play. It's a good game and if you have ever played any of the GOW series its the same but in a good way. The control scheme is easy to learn with very few "what button is that" moments. They have plenty of tutorials on the side to remind you, especially with the harpies. The boss battles are great again but the puzzles are easier then either God of War with the musical puzzle being the most fun. I did not use the internet for any of this game which is a first for me in the series but I have also beat the first two games so I had an idea what to look for. Side Note: I won't ever buy "Strategy Guides" but have been known to look on line if I am just frustrated beyond belief. My advice for if you ever stuck in a GOW game look for a place to climb. All in all the game was fun and not a chore to finish. The end boss battle is not the hardest boss battle in the game in my opinion but brings closure to the trilogy (make sure you watch the credits to the end it adds a bit of intrigue). With all the blood and the other "mini games" (GOW vets you know what I'm talking about) the Mature rating is dead on. I finished this game in just over 10 hours total. If I had to rate the games according to difficulty I would say that the third one is the easiest. I always play my games on normal so the difficulty should be the same for all 3.
One thing I like about the GOW series is you got "extra content" when you beat the game. Not just the normal costumes but "How they made the game" videos. It was very cool and very informative. If you ever thought of a career in games from tester to designer this is a MUST. I just wish they had a "Play all" option. Its gets a bit old with some of the segments at 4 minutes or less.
Today is Tuesday the 7th which means new releases. Today Kmart will be getting my money (again) for several reasons. NHL 11 $20 (PS3) gaming coupon in which I will use it on NHL Slapshot for the Wii (at Kmart you get an extra NHL stick). Also they MS points, if you buy 1600 points you get $10 gaming coupon. Also Batman: Brave and Bold (Wii) is at Toys R us with a free T shirt. This one may have to wait. They have a buy 1 get 40% off second but they have a list of games and those are often a pain.
Any questions shoot me a comment.
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