If you looked through my collection you will not find any FPS games. Some people say I am missing out on great games but I will tell you that I just plain am not good at them. While my friends were playing Halo 3 I was playing Ninja Gaiden and Ratchet and Clank. From a few posts back you will see that I have the Sony Sharpshooter to go along with my PS Move and I love it. Socom 4 came out to OK reviews but I have a few friends who purchased PS3s and we wanted a game we could all play. Enter Socom 4... Mind you this is only the multi-player, I have not tried the single player campaign as of today, but its a lot of fun. Using the Sharpshooter is easy and accurate so if you have the gun this is a must have anyway but playing with a few friends takes me back to sitting around my room playing Nintendo Tecmo Bowl with some friends. The ability to make your own private room and play with just people on your friend's list is a blast. Teaming up against the AI has been fun and started "Socom Nights". The wives love it because we are home and know exactly what we are doing due to the screaming teamed with the profanity that spews from the depth of my man cave. The graphics are great, the soundtrack will not win a Grammy and the M rating is dead on because of the violence as well as the language. There is a slim possibility you may pick up a foreign language if you play this enough but the use will not be practical unless you are playing a game of hide and seek where you hate all the other players. The learning curve is a little steep but soon you will be throwing grenades with the best of them shouting "fire in the hole". I will review the rest of the game at a later date but right now just based on the multi player aspect I am willing to grade it right now. If interested shoot me your gamertag and you can see when we are playing and jump on in. We could use a vetran and we can always add one more newbie to the clan, headsets are preferred but not required.
Grade - B (Multi Player only)
I have not written a blog in a while and have had plenty going on both personally and professionally. To update what I am currently playing:
PS3: Socom 4 & LA Noire (the graphics are as advertised)
Xbox 360: Alan Wake (play it with the lights off)
PSP: Hot Shots Golf and Castlevania Dracula X (just started)
Wii: Batman Brave and Bold (I keep putting it in but not hitting the power button)
Alan Wake is as advertised. The constant battery gathering is a tad annoying but the story is great. The premise is very a "summer read" (or should I say e-read now?). The controls are good. I will review later. I picked this up at Blockbuster used for $10 and it had the downloadable content still in the box which was a plus.
Finally I am coming up on 100 hits to the site. Maybe we can do some kind of giveaway if I hit a 1000. Any ideas let me know...